Pet First Aid & CPR Non-Certification Classes

“Who says that learning pet first aid has to be scary? You learn more when you’re having fun!”
—Arden Moore
Non-Certification Classes
This option is ideal for pet lovers interested in learning more about basic pet first aid and pet behavior without wanting a formal certification. These classes are typical two to three hours in length. You will learn how to identify early trouble signs in your pet and provide basic first aid to safely transport your pet to the veterinary clinic. Arden regularly provides such classes with her feline and canine sidekicks, and does so in her signature “edu-taining” style.
Class length and topics can be customized for your group. Both adult and child groups are welcome.
Book a Non-Certification In-Person Class
If you have a group of pet pet lovers that are interested in scheduling an-in person class to learn more about pet first and pet behavior, please contact us below. Most in-person classes are held within reasonable driving distance of Dallas, TX.
Check our Schedule page to see if there is an existing Non-Certification Class on the schedule that you can join.
Out-of-state exceptions can be made, reach out to us to learn more!
A Sample of Arden’s Non-Certification Class Topics
Cat Behavior Classes
Wonder what your cat really thinks? Coping with a litter box issue? Is your cat too chatty? Let Arden, a nationally recognized animal behaviorist explain why cats do what they do so you can restore harmony in your household. Arden gives cat behavior presentations all over North America. This is a must class for pet professionals and discerning pet parents.
Dog Behavior Classes
Looking for a mute button on your marathon barker? Coping with separation anxiety? Feeling like your dog is the top dog in your house? Let Arden, a nationally recognized animal behaviorist explain why dogs do what they do so you can restore harmony in your household.
Master the Mutt-gyver™ Inside You
Your pet is injured and you don’t have a pet first aid kit? Don’t panic. In this 90-minute class, Arden will show you how to use what you have in your surroundings to stabilize and immobilize your pet so you can safety take him to the nearest veterinary clinic.
Catering to Your 21st Century Canine
Today’s dogs share very little with their wolf ancestors. With the surge in pet-welcoming hotels, luxury pooch spas, Fido fashions and new canine sports like surfing and dock diving, it’s certainly become a dog’s (pampered) life. In this 90-minute talk, Arden will unleash tips, tricks and tactics to bring out the best in your modern dog.
Snakes, Ticks, Bees, Oh My!
Love being outdoors with your dog? That’s great…until the hike or camping trip takes a scary turn when your dog gets bitten or stung. In these situations, minutes count. This 90-minute talk will outline common outdoor hazards and what to do to reduce the risk and what to do if your dog gets injured.
Life Lessons Unleashed by PhDs (Pretty Happy Dogs) and CEOs (Cats Extraordinaire)
The secret to improving your health – mental, physical, emotion and yes, spiritual – is just a tail wag or purr away. Learn how you can be in the purr-fect profession to maximize paw power. In this 90-minute talk, Arden identifies 9 key lessons our cats and dogs teach us. She will then unleash a pet prescription that prescribes skills, not pills, to bring out the best in you and your pets.
Unlocking the Feline Mystique
What’s really going on inside your cat’s mind? What can you do to bring out the best in your 21st Century Cat? In this 90-minute talk, Arden will share tips, tricks and tactics to co-exist with your feline friend. And, she will show you what to do — and what never to do — should your cat get sick or injured.
Play It Safe — Learn to Be a Pet Detective
In this customized class for pet professionals or caring pet parents, Arden teaches you how to play pet detective in gathering clues to find out what’s happening to your pet and how you can improve his health and behavior. Often a so-called behavior issue has an underlying medical cause. Arden will teach you how to “speak” dog and cat and decode accurately what their vocalizations, postures and actions mean.